

  • Auto-HPCnet: An Automatic Framework to Build Neural Network-based Surrogate Models for HPC Applications.

    Wenqian Dong , Gokcen Kestor and Dong Li In the 32nd ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing. HPDC 2023

  • Betty: Enabling Large-Scale GNN Training with Batch-Level Graph Partitioning.

    Shuangyan Yang, Mingjia Zhang, Wenqian Dong , and Dong Li; In the 28th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. ASPLOS 2023

Before 2022

  • Fauce: Fast and Accurate Deep Ensembles with Uncertainty for Cardinality Estimation.

    Jie Liu, Wenqian Dong, Qingqing Zhou, and Dong Li In the 47th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases. VLDB 2021

  • MD-HM: Memoization-based Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Big Memory System.

    Zhen Xie, Wenqian Dong, Jie Liu, Ivy Peng, Yanbao Ma and Dong Li In ACM 35th International Conference on Supercomputing. ICS 2021

  • Tahoe: Tree Structure-Aware High Performance Inference Engine for Decision Tree Ensemble on GPU.

    Zhen Xie, Wenqian Dong, Jiawen Liu, Hang Liu and Dong Li; In ACM 16th European Conference on Computer Systems. EuroSys 2021

  • Smart-PGSim: Using Neural Network to Accelerate AC-OPF Power Grid Simulation.

    Wenqian Dong , Zhen Xie, Gokcen Kestor and Dong Li In the 32st ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing. SC 2020

  • Adaptive Neural Network-Based Approximation to Accelerate Eulerian Fluid Simulation.

    Wenqian Dong, Jie Liu, Zhen Xie and Dong Li; In the 31st ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing. SC 2019

  • Modeling Application Resilience in Large Scale Parallel Execution.

    Kai Wu, Wenqian Dong, Qiang Guan, Nathan Debardeleben and Dong Li; In the 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing. ICPP 2018